News and Press
Gamiotics is a browser-based software that audiences access from their phones, so they’re not downloading an app in order to affect the onstage action. The range of decisions audience members make for the actors, include things like, “Do you want us to go through the middle or the right door? Do you want us to talk to this person or that person?” Says Reynolds, “And that’s all just from the phone, allowing them to really engage from wherever they are in the audience and at their personal comfort level.
The audience is a “fourth player” at The Twenty-Sided Tavern, collaborating directly with the actors and the Game Master. In addition to the more traditional improv show audience engagement, The Twenty-Sided Tavern uses Gamiotics, a browser-based software that guests use to vote to make decisions on where the story will go—what characters appear, what rooms they explore. The result is an experience that balances giving the audience agency while letting guests choose their level of involvement—and a different show every night.
This level of interactivity is possible thanks to a software known as Gamiotics. Gamiotics Inc. CEO (and Tony-nominated producer) David Carpenter tells Wargamer this is a software “built to allow creators to bring interactive experiences to life in the live space”. “It’s completely web-based, so there’s nothing to download. You simply QR code into the show when you arrive [at the show] using your smartphone.” “It allows the audience to collectively make decisions and take actions that determine what happens next”, he adds.
Twenty-Sided Tavern: This D&D-like stage show that lets the audience control the adventure is about to make its UK premiere, and organisers say its tech could change live esports events
At the conclusion of a record-breaking success of Off-Broadway juggernaut, The Twenty-Sided Tavern in NYC, Gamiotics founder and CEO, David Carpenter shares the importance of a feedback loop in all aspects of life, business, entertainment and innovation.
Inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann’s testament to childhood imagination, “The Nutcracker and Mouse King,” Splintered — A Nutcracker Adventure is being developed by American Lyric Theater as a branched-narrative opera featuring a libretto by Lila Palmer and score by Justine F. Chen and Jorge Sosa. ALT is working with Gamiotics, a software company that specializes in live, interactive entertainment to develop the user experience that is integral to the realization and production of the opera.
Using new tech in how we produce and consume entertainment.
Gamiotics, the emerging leader in audience engagement through web-based gamification, is partnering with Dallas-based The Vokol Group to deliver its turn-key technology and messaging to target markets and industry verticals including entertainment, live and virtual events, sports and education.
The 2021 Philadelphia Fringe Festival is now in full swing, and with so many shows to choose from in almost every artistic category, it can be hard to pick just what to experience. Luckily, each week throughout the duration of the festival, Metro will highlight standouts to make your viewing experience that much easier.
LifeBlood Podcast: Experiential Entertainment with David Carpenter
LifeBlood: We talked about experiential entertainment, what it is, how it works, how it makes the consumer an active vs passive participant, and how you can benefit, with David Carpenter, CEO of Gamiotics, a live entertainment software.
Sep. 1, 2022
AwesomeCast 598: Twenty Sided Tavern
David Carpenter talks about his Gamiotics platform bringing a browser based interaction to theater with Twelve Sided Tavern, a Dungeons and Dragons live show!
June 22, 2022
Altered Geek Podcast
Steve Megatron sits down for this interview as he invites David Carpenter to discuss his career, favorite board games, video games, and innovating something fun for entertainment.
June 17, 2022
GETL Podcast
Interview with Gamiotics CEO David Carpenter discussing the potential of gamification in the realm of experiential entertainment.
May 29, 2022